Vivienne Dockerty was born on the Wirral just after World War 2. She always had a fertile imagination, especially after listening to the tales her father told her regarding her Irish ancestors.
Once she had retired, she concentrated on turning his tales into books and achieved her lifetime ambition of having them published. They are available from online bookstores or perhaps your local library.
 An Author's Journey - Part 1 | I was born on the Wirral just after World War II when living in the countryside contributed to my vivid imagination ... |
|  An Author's Journey - Part 2 | The title for my first Historical saga, called 'A Woman Undefeated' arrived after I realised how tough my character had to become ... |
|  An Author's Journey - Part 3 | My second book is the sequel to A Woman Undefeated, which I called Dreams Can Come True, Maggie is now a rich lady ... |
| |  An Author's Journey - Part 4 | I wrote A Distant Dream, because a few of my readers who had read my previous books, asked what had happened to Molly ... |